As you know, Google Pixel and Droid Turbo 2 customers got a pretty big software download a few days ago.  I personally own a Droid Turbo 2 and still love it today. But this new Android 7.0 Nougat just doesn’t seem to jump out at me anymore like the old Android releases did.  Sure, there is screen splitting, but my wife’s Samsung has that.  There is also some other underlying technical things, but as far as the interface goes, which is why Android sorely lacks in comparison to iPhone, nothing — nope, nothing there.

But when you look at the new features list, there is, lets count… Ahh yes, 7 new features. What the HELL has Google been doing for the past year?  I tell you what happened.  Microsoft and Apple are jumping out of the phone game and joining the hybrid PC Game, and now Google has no rising bars to jump over.  That’s what is happening.

We saw this very same trend happen when AMD dropped the ball with Bulldozer, Intel, AMD’s competitor, has made zero technological breakthroughs since.  Where there is healthy competition there is always innovation and I think this latest release of Android 7.0 is a only a great demonstration of what Google can achieve when they have no competition.