by Mike W. May 18, 2018 Setting It Straight: The 2nd Amendment I would like to thank you ahead of time for reading this rather long wall of text.… Life, Politics 0
by Mike W. May 18, 2018 How One Hacker Repeals Net Neutrality A few months back, I stayed very busy vigorously defending my company against a cyber attack by… Politics, Technology 0
Hot by Mike W. November 1, 2017 Dear Matt Ince I’m sure you thought I would likely never read it on or, but I did.… Life 12
by Mike W. April 29, 2017 The bigger the ego, the harder the fall So the guy that has been cyber-stalking me for the past week now gave me a call… Life 0
by Mike W. April 27, 2017 TheTruth About Michael Wells So, it came to my knowledge that I have a fan site all about me. After the… Life, Technology 0
by Mike W. March 6, 2017 Obama’s Wiretapping: The Evidence I’ve been telling everyone for a while on facebook and citing news articles around the web that… Politics 0
by Mike W. March 4, 2017 So, I Guess Nougat Is Ok? As you know, Google Pixel and Droid Turbo 2 customers got a pretty big software download a… Technology 0
Hot by Mike W. March 4, 2017 We ARE Partially to Blame for Islam It is true, no matter how tough of a pill it is to swallow, Islam is a… Politics, Religion 2
by Mike W. March 4, 2017 Closing Argument on Refugees TL;DR: Lets focus on our backyards first, m’kay? I’m a veteran, of the US Army Expeditionary Signal variety… Politics 0
by Mike W. March 4, 2017 The Divide: Women vs Men I think I’ve officially been “triggered”. I was reading through facebook and ran across a friend’s post… Life, Politics 0